After School Club
My Teaching : St Albans Pottery

I am passionate about sharing my love of clay and I enjoy teaching and inspiring both children and adults. I am a firm believer that more handcraft is essential in our digital age - improving both dexterity and mental well being.
I can offer:-
After school clubs - currently at Bernard's Heath Junior school. Please get in touch if you think your school may be interested
Throwing taster sessions - for individual or tiny groups
Birthday parties/ special occasions / group events - please get in touch
Glaze technology workshops (for advanced potters)
Firing service (for advanced potters - conditions apply)
Sadly I currently don’t have the space for regular classes. Best to look at Herts Uni, Oakland’s college and West Herts for any regular lessons.
And of course, my Make-at-Home Pottery Club
With over 30 easy-to-follow projects (YouTube)
Wide range of projects - suitable for adults, teens & children
Local clay delivery
Different clay options (Air Dry, or Clay+Fire+Glaze)
Latest feed from Instagram: StAlbansPottery